Tuesday, 9 December 2014


The Black Pudding Saga

Ice skating with SHF 

Yesterday was our Christmas Survivor Day with the Sophie Hayes Foundation and we took some of the girls from our survivor network outdoor ice skating at the Natural History Museum and for dinner. 

What have I gotten myself into!? Blurgh.
Challenge accepted
Amidst all of this festive fun Adam (from SHF) decided it would be a good idea to set me challenge. I had to eat a bowl full of battered black pudding covered in HP sauce and in return ha said he’d donate £100 to my Mexico fund. I hate black pudding. Thinking that it would just be one piece (it was a starter) I hastily accepted, I mean it’s £100! But when it arrived it was in a bowl consisting of about 10 battered pieces of bloody, blackened mush. Adam happily helped out by smothering it in HP sauce (fun fact: he told us earlier in the day that HP sauce stands for Houses of Parliament sauce) and everyone sat and stared while I scoffed these not so delicate morsels.

Adam didn't miss a bite

Adam helped out by explaining the process for making and ingredients of black pudding – congealed blood and basically all of the left over animal bits. I don’t even know how true this is but it certainly helped me get through them…

The full experience
It was a great day of festive fun and I made £100 off of it for the Mexico partnership, but it won’t help to convince me to eat black pudding again anytime soon!

Challenge completed 


Donate here with the message EL POZO to support my work in Mexico 

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