Trying to Get My Head Around a New Language

Alright so I don't quite have that part of the Mexico dream down yet. My practice mostly consists of meeting Duolingo goals so the Owl doesn't get angry (weekdays only) and now having verbs stuck all over my wall staring at me when I wake up, we'll see how that goes...
I'm trying to watch films, although English Netflix is limited for Spanish films. Even attempted the Telenovela (Marimar was my choice) knowing that regardless of the language I would understand: "Marmimar, tu belleza es un peligro" (Marimar, your beauty is a danger), followed by a sigh and many daydreams/flashbacks to that moment where the Mexican hunk calls her beautiful. I should probably try to get beyond episode 2, it's been a while.
These are pretty much my only tactics. I've tried the odd word a day and I know I know I have to speak to Spanish people, which at this stage is terrifying seeing as they can more than likely speak significantly better English than I do Spanish.
So I'll keep going along using Duolingo and learning my verbs, maybe throw a bit of Mexican tv drama into the mix and see how that goes. Any suggestions on the real 'Art of Learning Spanish' are more then welcome..??
Donate here with the message EL POZO to support my work in Mexico
Vas muy bien.